New Standard Company’s Contribution to COVID-19 Testing in Duhok Governorate

In a commitment to combat the outbreak of the Coronavirus, New Standard Company extended support to the central laboratory for pathological analyzes in Duhok governorate. The company actively participated in a campaign by providing essential kits for conducting specialized tests, aiding in the accurate diagnosis of COVID-19 cases. This initiative marked the first Real-time PCR analysis for COVID-19 in Duhok Governorate. Following the successful testing, the General Director of Health at Duhok Governorate expressed gratitude and appreciation for the company's significant contribution and support, acknowledged during a press conference.


Visit by Council of Ministers Representative to New Standard Company Laboratories

Hakim Khoshawi, an expert in quality management and human resources representing the Council of Ministers in the Kurdistan Region, visited New Standard Company laboratories at Ibrahim Khalil International Entry. The Laboratory’s supervisor, along with the scientific and administrative staff, warmly welcomed the visitor. Dr. Hakim expressed his satisfaction with the workflow, highly commended the efforts of the laboratory staff, and emphasized the need to enhance positive aspects while identifying and addressing any negative aspects for continuous improvement.


Visit by Assistant of Prime Minister for Health Affairs to New Standard Company Laboratories

Mr. Mohammed Haji, Assistant of the Prime Minister for Health Affairs in the Kurdistan Regional Government, accompanied by Dr. Goran Mirza, the director of KMCA in Erbil, visited the laboratories of New Standard Company at Ibrahim Khalil International Entry. The Laboratory’s supervisor and scientific staff warmly welcomed the visitors. The delegation, along with the company supervisor, also visited the DPD project at Siji to observe the workflow system. Furthermore, the delegation coordinated with the general director of Health in the Duhok governorate to organize testing of medicines and foodstuff imported through Ibrahim Khalil international entry point.


New Standard Company Team’s Participation in Chemical Pesticide Examination Training Course in Istanbul

A team of consultants and laboratories examiners from New Standard Company actively participated in a training course held in Istanbul, Turkey, organized by Intertek UK Company. The course focused on sample preparation techniques for examining chemical pesticides in agricultural and food products, aligning with the goal of enhancing expertise in testing procedures within the industry.


ISO 17025:2017 Workshop – Preparing Laboratory Evaluators

In response to an official request from the Iraqi Ministry of Oil, a delegation comprising 39 employees from various oil companies visited New Standard Company's laboratories at Ibrahim Khalil International Entry Complex from September 15 to 17, 2019. The purpose of the visit was to partake in a practical workshop titled 'Verification of Methods of Measuring,' as part of the program for preparing laboratory evaluators according to the ISO 17025:2017 standard. During the visit, the delegation observed the laboratory's workflow, received explanations from the staff, and expressed satisfaction with the organized work. The workshop included detailed explanations of verification methods by both New Standard and Intertek, the company in partnership with New Standard. Beyond tests and quality control, discussions and suggestions were made for future plans to enhance scientific communication at both local and regional levels.


Minister of Agriculture and Water Resources Visits New Standard Laboratories at Ibrahim Khalil International Entry

The Director of the company welcomed the Minister of Agriculture and Water Resources in the Kurdistan Regional Government, Mrs. Begard Talabani, to the laboratories at the port of Ibrahim Khalil International. The visit, attended by the supervisor of Ibrahim Al Khalil International complex, director of customs Ibrahim Khalil, and directors of quarantines of the complex, aimed to familiarize the Minister with the company's laboratories, management procedures, and implementation processes, including those related to quarantines. During the visit, the Minister expressed her support for the company, offering solutions to any laboratory-related challenges. She emphasized the ministry's commitment to enhancing quality control and inspection of imported agricultural goods and products. The Minister commended the role of the company's laboratories, acknowledging the high standards and dedication of the staff, especially highlighting the director's and laboratory staff's exceptional contributions.


Health Protection Department Delegation Visit to New Standard Laboratories

The company director extended a warm welcome to a delegation from the Health Protection Department in Erbil and Sulaimaniyah governorates at Ibrahim Khalil international entry complex. During the visit, the delegation thoroughly examined the workflow system within the company's laboratories and engaged in extensive discussions on the current state of scientific work and laboratory tests, emphasizing the utilization of the latest scientific advancements and equipment. An agreement was reached to facilitate the exchange of scientific expertise and foster practical communication between the visiting delegation and the scientific staff of company Laboratories. The ultimate objective of this collaboration is to unify the system used in all provinces of the Kurdistan Region.


Iraqi Ministry of Health Delegation to New Standard Laboratories at Ibrahim Khalil International Entry

The company director extended a warm welcome to a delegation from the Iraqi Ministry of Health at Ibrahim Khalil International Entry. The delegation received a comprehensive briefing on the working mechanism within the company's laboratories. Expressing satisfaction with the scientific standard of the tests conducted, they highly appreciated the efforts of the management and staff. During the visit, the delegation held discussions with the scientific team, leading to an agreement to develop a cooperative plan between the company's laboratories and the Ministry of Health laboratories in Baghdad. The collaboration will adhere to Iraqi standards for laboratory tests on both imported and local goods.


University of Zakho Delegation’s Visit to New Standard Company Laboratories at Ibrahim Khalil International Entry Complex

Led by the president of the University of Zakho, a delegation from the university visited the laboratories of New Standard Quality Control Company at Ibrahim Khalil International Entry. The Company Director, along with his Assistants and the lab’s scientific committee, extended a warm welcome to the delegation. The visit encompassed an inspection of the company's laboratories within the complex. The delegation expressed appreciation for the high level of technical and scientific development achieved by the company's laboratories.